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Andre Givogue

How To Write For Search Engines & Human Visitors

Write For Search EnginesIt’s important to understand that in order to fully optimize your article to appear on the top of the search engines you need to have a combination of “on-page” factors and “off-page” factors that are met.

In this article I’ll focus on the “on-page” factors. If you’d like to get more information on the “off-page” factors check out my backlink tools article.

Humans read and see the content that you post on your blog, so it’s important for your content to makes sense.

But if you write with only humans in mind, you’re forgetting about the search engines spiders, which are the robot algorithms that read and index your content based on clues that you give it, which is all HTML code (the behind the scenes or under the hood of your website).

Luckily, we don’t have know all this code but it’s important that you understand where to give the index spiders, the maximum clues so they can properly index your website for the keyword that you want.

Keep in mind that you don’t want to only speak to the index spiders because then your article will make no sense to a human reader.

Search engines are smarter than you think, they will measure a visitor’s time spent on a page and if everyone clicks away within the first seconds, it means that your content sucks, therefore you will not be rewarded with a higher rank and other competitors will surpass you.

So it is very important that you balance the way your write. Here’s a list of guidelines that you can follow for your page to be fully optimized. Remember, our goal here is to make sure we give enough clues to the index spiders to let them know what our page is all about. Aim for an article with a minimum of three hundred words.

Then, have your keyword:

  • in your URL slug, so after the .com/keyword
  • at the beginning of your title (H1)
  • in the first line of your first paragraph
  • aim to have about 4 to 7% keyword density (which means for every one hundred words, have four to seven of them be your keyword, lower is ok, but don’t exceed 7%)
  • in a sub title (H2)
  • in bold or underline in one or two of your sentences (Optional but it doesn’t hurt. Don’t do it for every keyword)
  • at least once in your last paragraph and possibly your last sentence.
  • as your image name (before uploading your image, save it as your keyword)
  • in the alt text of your image, (these two are so easy that you should make it a habit to always have an image with its alt text)
  • in the title of your video, if you have one
  • in your meta title
  • in your meta description
  • in your meta focus keyword

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Finally, have a couple of external links that points to high quality sites. Sure it may drive some traffic away but remember it’s about giving the visitor a good experience by delivery quality information. When people love your style, they will come back and search engines will notice that behavior.

Write For Search Engines Continued

Moving on, at first it can be confusing to try to remember where to put what and in what order because writing for the spiders is un-natural. But, overtime, you’ll be better at it and you’ll understand the balance. Now, for me it’s like second nature, I just know and understand the flow of things.

Again, these are guidelines and can be altered depending on your article. I have articles that are perfectly balance 50-50. While others could be 75-25 either way, at the end of the day you want to give value to your audience and the more value you give, the more you’ll get repeat visitors with social shares, etc.

A combination of all these factors will be taken into play when your website is “evaluated” by the index robots.

In order for me to follow these steps, I use a plugin called WordPress SEO by Yoast, where it helps me visually to see if I answered all the requirements mentioned above by using green, orange or red circles next to the guideline. Most of the time now it’s always green.  🙂  Now if I can do it and follow this easy system, so can you.

Well, that’s pretty much it for how to write for search engines and visitors. It shouldn’t be more complicated than following those guidelines. If you have any questions come reach out to me on my Facebook.com/givogue.andre

What about you, after understanding this, how will your writing for search engines and visitors improve?

Mobile Credit Card Processing Technology Now Available

Mobile Credit Card ProcessingMobile credit card processing technology is an important add-on in the way you collect money from your clients.

Back in the Stone Age, people would barter and exchange value on the spot with goods that they possessed.

Then fast forward too not to long ago, there was cash. You’d offer a service or product and exchange it for paper money.

Today, we live in a world of plastic payments, which means if you can’t collect or make it easy for your customers to pay you through mobile credit card processing, then perhaps you’re losing out on some valuable sales.

In order to accept credit payments, you needed a merchant account from a bank provider and you had to have a minimum of sales per months plus monthly fees.

So how to accept credit cards, you ask? Well, I’ll get to that in a minute. With everything on the go, companies had to address the need for portable mobile credit card process by inventing a credit card swiper.

You can plug the credit card swiper directly into your smart phone allowing you to collect money on the fly. The cool thing is that the vendor has no monthly or little monthly cost with an approximate 2.7 % fee per transaction depending on the plan you chose.
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Mobile Credit Card Processing Companies

Sure the fees are a little higher than if you had a traditional machine in a store, but this mobile credit card processing service is pay as you go with no other commitments. If you make a sale you pay, if you don’t you don’t pay, it’s that simple.

All you have to do is sign up with a company that offers mobile credit card processing technology and they will send you the credit card swiper. It’s that simple. Now the difficult question is: “Who offers that?”

Well, my friend personally uses SquareUp.com for all his mobile credit card processing needs.

But like always, I’m a big fan of offering you more than one solution so you can find the company that works best for you. Therefore, here are four other companies that provide mobile credit card processing technology: Intuit.comIntuit.ca, PayAnywhere.com, Paypal.com and Verifone.com.

What about you, how can using mobile credit card processing technology help you in your business? Share your thoughts and comments down below.

AB Testing AKA Split testing Will Find You Your Gold

AB TestingAB testing also known as split testing will allow you to track and measure what works versus what doesn’t in your online efforts.

Since everything can be tracked and measured online, there’s no excuse to just throw money on advertising and hope for the best.

Essentially an AB testing software compares two of your landing pages, so page A and page B. You would send traffic to the link of the AB testing software and it would automatically send visitors alternating from one page to the other every time.

This way, you know how many people visited each page and then you can measure your conversions. Whichever one works best, you keep it and you get rid of the non performing one. For more information you can check out the Wikipedia page about AB Testing.

There’s a saying in marketing that goes something like this: “Test, re-test and re-test!” The idea is to always keep AB testing your landing pages to really find the advertising gems.

By weeding out all non-performing landing pages, you’re going to end up with your gold so to speak.

AB Testing

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There is no need for extensive programming or anything like that, simply put your url in the box and there you go. Keep in mind that this is a good “amateur” solution. It’ll get the job done but with limited functionalities.

If you’re a lot more tech savvy, then Google Analytics offers another free way called Experiments to do AB split testing and more. Here’s a great tutorial on how to set it up.

You can also use the help of Google’s link builder to help create your links. Again, as good as it may be, this strategy is very complex and can be a “pain” to set-up. It’s really not user friendly.

Finally, what most professional companies chose to do, is simply to get a paid service that is super simple to use with no programming involved.

Such companies are Visual Website Optimizer vwo.com or Unbounce.com. The latter is what the heavy duty players like Canon, Amazon and LinkedIn are using to AB split test their pages.

What about you, how can AB testing help you in your business?

Traffic Exchange Secrets Exposed

Traffic ExchangeA traffic exchange site is place where a lot of different entrepreneurs go to advertise their website for free.

The way the traffic exchange site works is that one website owner agrees to see someone else’s website in exchange for a credit. You later use that credit to promote your any sites that you want.

Generally speaking, on a free membership level, traffic exchange’s credit system works with a ratio of like: 3 for 1 or 2 for 1, which means for every 3 sites you visit, you get one visitor to your site.

For a small upgrade fee, you can now get 1 to 1 ratio or if you are a busy person, you can even purchase credits.

The benefit of using a traffic exchange site is that you get instant views, instant visitors and instant traffic to your website. You also know that the viewers are pro-active people because they’re making an effort to promote their website.

Like anything, traffic exchange advertising has cons too and if you’re unaware of these “secrets” or unannounced cons, you can end up losing some money.

Traffic Exchange Secret 1

“You’re going to get an abundance of free traffic to your site.”  Yes, that is true what you’ve got to keep in mind though is that the visitors are not looking for your information per say, they are there only for the 6 to 15 seconds timer countdown required in order to earn a credit to get a visitor view their site.

Traffic Exchange Secret 2

Imagine this; a traffic exchange is like a hotel conference room, which is the venue where all website owners go to give flyers to other visitors. The thing is that all the visitors there are also website owners with the same purpose to get more views on their website.

Knowing that, you can tailor your ads to that specific audience. Example: instead of saying something like: “My product or opportunity is the greatest, buy my stuff.” It screams sales pitch and people will stay away from that, well you might get the odd sale.

Instead a method that is more effective is if you approach your audience with a message like this: “My product or service will help you get free visitors to your website.”

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Whereas if you can give value for free to attract them to your business, they get to know you, trust you, then they will ask for your tricks and tips. At that point when you’re seen as credible, then you can make recommendations.

This is like setting up a booth in the hotel conference room to answer questions for free.

Traffic Exchange Secret 3

Stay away from a traffic exchange site that offers auto-surf capability. There’s nothing for nothing. If you can get free credits by using an auto-surf program to surf automatically for you to gain credits, so will others.

Remember that the other viewers will also use that feature which means that it’s useless, no body’s going to see no body’s site therefore it defeats the whole purpose in the first place. It’s like having the conference room full of flyers but with no body in there to see the ads.

Traffic Exchange Free Report

Overall a traffic exchange site is a great place to market if you know how to do it properly. If traffic exchange is a marketing avenue you wish to explore more, I highly recommend you take a closer at Scott Douglas’ Traffic Exchange Profits free report.

In his 34 pages report, he covers all the fundamental concepts, like indirect selling, conversions, credit costs, credit value and target marketing in the first part. In part two, he goes over the proven success formula which covers more traffic for less surfing, free traffic, better than free traffic, etc.

And finally in his part three, Scott goes over how to get started fast. I mean Scott has been doing this on a professional level since 2007, that’s his niche market and I would recommend you start there, I learned a great deal from his work.

What about you, how will you now approach traffic exchange knowing this new information? Share your thoughts and comments below.

Live Chat Software One Ups Your Competition

Live Chat SoftwareWith the help of a live chat software you can instantly add an instant presence to your website.

If you come to think about it, the reason why we (entrepreneurs and business people) have an online presence is to promote and advertise our products or services, in order to generate leads and sales.

Traditionally speaking, a customer would fill out the contact form to request more information and by the time we get back to them, it could possibly be too late.

I can’t remember where but I’ve read somewhere that if you can answer someone within seven minutes of their initial request you are more than likely to convert them into a sale.

The best time to talk to a potential customer is when they’re red hot and they can’t get any hotter than live on the spot. Now’s the time to talk to them, not tomorrow.

To help shorten that gap between initial contact and response time, online marketers have developed live chat software that you can plug into your website to instantly have conversation with your visitor. How cool is that!

While you’re working on your business, you would get notified on the spot, by your live chat software, when someone is on your website asking questions. Which in turn opens up countless new opportunities.

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Live Chat Software

The best live chat software that I’ve seen other professional companies use like LiverPerson.com and LiveHelpNow.net, are self hosted which means that they work on their own servers and all you have to do is add a piece of code to your website.

If you have a WordPress blog, no worries, other self hosted live chat software like Zopim.com (sign up, then download their Zopim Worpress Plugin) and ClickDesk.com (sign up, then you can also get their ClickDesk WordPress Plugin) offer easy to install Worpress plugins.

Finally if you’re more of an advanced computer user and like to use open source kind of software, you’re in luck. You can get an open source live chat software at HelpCenterLive.com.

Just a note, this is way more advanced so if you’re not sure what you’re doing, stay away from this solution.

Of course if I always recommend you find out the live chat software that is best for you. If you want additional options simply search for “live chat support” your favorite search engine.

What about you, how can using a live chat software help you in your business?

Animated Clip Art Keeps Your Audience Hooked

Animated Clip ArtAdding animated clip art in your presentations will keep your audience hooked. Let’s face it, nowadays people’s attention span is pretty short.

You constantly have to fight for their attention. In order to do that you have to provide some sort of entertainment or an orchestrated planned visual distraction with the help of moving animations.

I remember when I was putting together my presentation, I wanted something clean, slick and fresh animated clip art, that would be entertaining but not over the top; just enough to keep my audience’s focus on my message.

Going through the Powerpoint clip art section, I didn’t really find what I was looking for. I remembered seeing some animated 3d stick figure clip art in other professional presentation and that was exactly what I needed.

As entrepreneurs our time is precious and for me, I didn’t want to waste it online searching for clip art free downloads that I couldn’t customize. I searched the web for animated clip art for quite a while, then I stumbled on the coolest site ever (well for animated clip art I mean).

It’s called Presentermedia.com. What I like the most about this site is that it’s a one stop shop to get all your professional looking animated clip art needs.

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Animated Clip Art

It’s got various sections for the kind of images you want like: 3d figures, business and finance, custom text, educational and school, holiday seasonal events, home and lifestyle, sports and games and finally symbols and signs.

They also offer all kinds of templates, presentation clip arts, video backgrounds and tons more.

Another cool thing about this site is that it easily allows you to customize the color of your stick figure, the color of your background, the shades, the reflections and whether you want a transparent or colored background. This is all done with their customizable online editor.

If you’re looking for animated clip art, this is by far my favorite go to site. Actually it’s the only one I found with animated clip art. I’ve found other site that offered 3d stick figures but none of them were animated.

You can check out the royalty free sites like ShutterStock.com or Fotolia.com to find static 3d stick figure images. Once there you can type in 3d stick figure and see what comes up.

What about you, how can animated clip art improve your presentations? Share your thoughts and comments below.

Free Conference Call Technology Up For Grabs!

Free Conference CallWith the help of a free conference call service, you can now become the leader and give positive & informative messages to your audience, your team or your work force.

This web based platform allows you to own and operate your own teleseminar. You can have as little as one person on your free conference call up to one hundred.

You can record your calls and use them as content in the future.

Through your free conference call online back office, you can start and stop the recording and start and stop lecture mode (which puts everybody else on mute so only can talk).

All these functions can also be done through the telephone directly by pressing the appropriate number.

For the longest time this teleconferencing was only available to the big corporations that had a huge budgets. Now with voice over IP it makes it affordable to everyone to the point that there’s even a free solution.

What I like the most about this free conference call platform is that it’s free and super simple to use. You first start by going to the website of Freenet.com, click on the button that says: “Signup Now” on the right hand side, follow the instruction and there you go, you got your free conference call number.

Simply give your free conference call number to your audience or team members and they will be able to call in and listen to what you have to say.

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Free Conference Call

Here’s how I use the free conference call tool. If anyone has business related questions, I schedule a conference call that will be recorded.

I offer to have a recorded session with them for two reasons. One I get the recorded call and give it to that person so they can re-listen to the information at a later time and second, so I can use the content as an FAQ and make it available to other people.

I always sanitize the free conference call to remove any personal information if any.

When I do a webinar, I also like to have the free conference call recording as a backup (for the audio portion) and in case someone doesn’t have access to a computer but would like to listen in on what’s going on.

I remember we had a truck driver that would love to attend these calls while he was on the road. Not only was he learning something new, he was part of our community of entrepreneurs.

What about you, how can the service of a free conference call help you in your organization?

How To Write Articles Automatically

ArticlesWriting articles for the purpose of article marketing to generate backlinks to your site can be long, tedious and daunting.

How much content can you really have or talk about for all of your articles to be considered “unique” in the eyes of the search engine?

I used to struggle with that until one day, back in like 2006, I came across a video that talked about using synonyms for every words in your article.

That was a great idea, instead of you coming up with all new content, you could simply use the same article but with all new words.

The process as still very long and boring until programmers saw an opportunity there and then started to write software to fully automate the article writing and switching the words for synonyms.

A new industry evolved shortly after with all kinds of new “lingo” to address all the new functionality. They call this: “Article Spinning”.

Essentially, the software will automatically find a lot of synonyms for every words an put it together in a group of text called: “Spintax”.
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Articles Created Automatically

It’s kind of complicated to explain, Jonathan Leger is one of those programmers that capitalized on that niche market and he made an awesome 10 minute video that explains article spinning with fancy graphics and all.

I’ve been using his software and following his tips and tricks and incorporated them in my article marketing campaign. The cool part is that his software “The Best Spinner” is that it can easily integrate with another important tool to create automated back linking campaigns. Check out my backlink tool video for more info about that.

Of course The Best Spinner is not the only player in town, it just happens to be the one I’m using. Like always I strongly encourage you to look at more than one product so you can use the one that works best for you.

Other similar companies that offer this type of product are: Spinner Chief, WordAi, Spin Rewriter, Chimp Rewriter, Article Samurai and I’m pretty sure there are tons more if you search for “Article Spinner”.

What about you, how can an article spinning software help you?

Free QR Code Generator Can Make These Images

Free QR Code Generator Make TheseIn this article I’ll show you how to make a QR Code with the help of a Free QR Code Generator.

So by now you’ve probably noticed QR codes here and there hence why you’re looking to create your own but if you’re not quite sure what is a QR code or what it can do for you; let me explain.

A QR code allows people with smart phone to scan your code (almost like a bar code in the store except it uses your camera on your smart phone with QR scanner app) and it will bring them wherever you want website wise. These QR Codes are great to place on your print advertising such as a business card, flyer, poster, hand out, etc.

Instead of people trying to type in your long website url, they can simply go to your site with a simple click of a button. It’s literally the same thing as taking a picture.

You can send people to your website, to a Youtube video, your social media, the sky’s the limit. Here’s an example of how I used a QR code in the past.

In the stunt industry it’s good practice to make your demo reel accessible to other coordinators in the industry. You can write the full Youtube URL of your demo on your resume but it would look like this: “http://youtu.be/uClXDPd80dI“.

More than likely, coordinators will not take the time to decipher those letters or even bather to type it in. Instead, I’ve put a QR code that leads straight to my demo reel allowing them to see what my skill set are.
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Free QR Code Generator

Now let’s look at how to make a QR Code with the help of a Free QR Code Generator and link it to your website of choice.

First go to a free site like QR Stuff.com, put the link of your website in the appropriate field, let the QR creator do its magic then click “Download QR Code” and save the image on your computer. That’s it, super easy stuff.

You’ll need to have a QR scanner on your smart phone if you’re trying to “read” your newly created QR symbol.

If you want to get fancy and all they have different little add-ons that you can take advantage of but I’ll let you figure out what they are.

What about you, how can the free QR code generator help you in your business?

Online Texting & Mass Text

Online Texting and Mass TextHave you ever considered online texting or mass text to engage with your audience? Texting online is one of the newest marketing trends in the business world. Companies are always looking for more creative ways to get their messages to their target market. This kind of marketing is called short code.

Now anybody can send a text online with the help of Call Loop.com. Call Loop is for text messages what the Aweber autoresponder is for follow-up e-mails. When online texting with Call Loop, you can send a mass text also known as a broadcast text to all your contact list.

I found out about this company when I was working on a movie set and was talking with one of the crew member. Because scheduling is so last minute, no one has access to the schedule until the shoot for the day is done.

So you have like 80 people on stand by for their schedule and you don’t want to call each of them one by one and e-mail is not always reliable in last minute circumstances.

With a click of a button in the backend of the internet online texting application, the assistant director was able to send a mass text to all the crew.

According to Eztexting.com (which is another company that can send mass text to people; ” More than 97% of text messages are opened and read within minutes of receipt.”
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Online Texting & Mass Text Other Examples

Say you got to a big event with lots of people, like a convention or something, you could use a service like this to keep in touch with all of your crowd informing your friends, family, business partners where you guys will be hanging out after the event. Or invite your group to a special additional last minute information session held in a restaurant.

Ok so for both examples were used in a “non marketing way” but here’s other ways that you can use it. On your business cards or flyers, you can tell people to send a text to a number to get a special gift, discount, bonus or surprise. The cool thing with these short code features is that you can have drip campaigns (aka autoresponders) to your list but via text message instead of e-mail.

There are tons of companies that offer online texting, you’ve just got to look for the right keywords. If you want alternative online texting companies, you can search for these keywords “SMS Marketing” or “Short Codes Marketing”

What about you, how can online texting and sending out mass text help you keep in touch with your customers?

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