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Reward Yourself For A Job Well Done!

Reward YourselfDo you plan to reward yourself after you accomplish a goal of yours?

It’s important to reward yourself and acknowledge your own credibility when you accomplish an achievement. Whether it’s big or small a reward should be in direct proportion of the goal that you achieved. The reason for that is to reward the good behaviour. Yes, I know it almost sounds like we’re training a dog but in reality our brain associates rewards with pleasure which will make you do that behaviour more often.

If you look at the internet addiction video by DNews, we can see how this pain versus reward can play for or against us. In the case of internet addiction, or gambling or anything like that it’s bad however if you use kind of the same attitude to train your mind to get something amazing but only after going through some sort of “pain”, you can make wonders. You’re just using your own “mind technology” to your advantage.

Reward Yourself Carrot On StickIt’s like if you’re sitting on a donkey holding onto a stick and at the end of the stick there’s a rope with a carrot on it. You dangle the carrot in front of its nose and it’ll go forward. You can ride the donkey all the way to a top of a mountain. The donkey will go the extra mile to get a piece of that carrot and once at the top, you let it have the carrot.

Now in a concrete work example, this is how I’ve done it. I absolutely love travelling, exploring new places and living new experiences so I knew that this was a pretty good reward for me. I gave myself a goal to create one hundred informative articles for my blog as well as a videos version of my articles for my Youtube channel. I’ve never done this before and I wouldn’t consider myself a writer or anything.

Actually, I just like to learn how things work so I know a lot about how internet and marketing works. The “mountain path” for me was to train myself to follow a strict schedule, write, record, edit, upload, optimize my site everyday from Monday to Friday, for twenty weeks, and be super disciplined to follow my routine, which I was never able to do in the past.

Side note here, I think it took me over ten years to actually follow my own advice. Remember you are your own bottle neck to your own success.

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Reward Yourself Continued

By doing this amount of work, I was able to justify my travelling expense because it is now a reward for a job well done. Today, right now, this is my one hundredth video and I’m super happy and excited for accomplishing this and I’m happy to share with you that I chose to go on a boat cruise in the Caribbean. I’ve never done this before so I’m super excited.

As a result of this exercise I can now not only speak about my theories of my marketing techniques but I can also point to my personal experience which is hands on, tested and implemented. I can also speak from my personal experience about the ups and downs of this journey, the challenges that I faced and the sense of accomplishment that I got.

I rewired my brain into a more efficient a better productive machine to follow my own routine. I’ve now created a good habit or a “healthy addiction” so to speak, which is to create and deliver great value.

For me this milestone is a new beginning and it feels really nice to deliver positive information that I know can help someone else. On that note, I have a reward to collect; I’ll be back in a couple weeks after my vacation. In the mean, always remember to reward yourself for a job well done!

What about you, when you reward yourself, what will you chose to do?

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