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How To Write For Search Engines & Human Visitors

Write For Search EnginesIt’s important to understand that in order to fully optimize your article to appear on the top of the search engines you need to have a combination of “on-page” factors and “off-page” factors that are met.

In this article I’ll focus on the “on-page” factors. If you’d like to get more information on the “off-page” factors check out my backlink tools article.

Humans read and see the content that you post on your blog, so it’s important for your content to makes sense.

But if you write with only humans in mind, you’re forgetting about the search engines spiders, which are the robot algorithms that read and index your content based on clues that you give it, which is all HTML code (the behind the scenes or under the hood of your website).

Luckily, we don’t have know all this code but it’s important that you understand where to give the index spiders, the maximum clues so they can properly index your website for the keyword that you want.

Keep in mind that you don’t want to only speak to the index spiders because then your article will make no sense to a human reader.

Search engines are smarter than you think, they will measure a visitor’s time spent on a page and if everyone clicks away within the first seconds, it means that your content sucks, therefore you will not be rewarded with a higher rank and other competitors will surpass you.

So it is very important that you balance the way your write. Here’s a list of guidelines that you can follow for your page to be fully optimized. Remember, our goal here is to make sure we give enough clues to the index spiders to let them know what our page is all about. Aim for an article with a minimum of three hundred words.

Then, have your keyword:

  • in your URL slug, so after the .com/keyword
  • at the beginning of your title (H1)
  • in the first line of your first paragraph
  • aim to have about 4 to 7% keyword density (which means for every one hundred words, have four to seven of them be your keyword, lower is ok, but don’t exceed 7%)
  • in a sub title (H2)
  • in bold or underline in one or two of your sentences (Optional but it doesn’t hurt. Don’t do it for every keyword)
  • at least once in your last paragraph and possibly your last sentence.
  • as your image name (before uploading your image, save it as your keyword)
  • in the alt text of your image, (these two are so easy that you should make it a habit to always have an image with its alt text)
  • in the title of your video, if you have one
  • in your meta title
  • in your meta description
  • in your meta focus keyword

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Finally, have a couple of external links that points to high quality sites. Sure it may drive some traffic away but remember it’s about giving the visitor a good experience by delivery quality information. When people love your style, they will come back and search engines will notice that behavior.

Write For Search Engines Continued

Moving on, at first it can be confusing to try to remember where to put what and in what order because writing for the spiders is un-natural. But, overtime, you’ll be better at it and you’ll understand the balance. Now, for me it’s like second nature, I just know and understand the flow of things.

Again, these are guidelines and can be altered depending on your article. I have articles that are perfectly balance 50-50. While others could be 75-25 either way, at the end of the day you want to give value to your audience and the more value you give, the more you’ll get repeat visitors with social shares, etc.

A combination of all these factors will be taken into play when your website is “evaluated” by the index robots.

In order for me to follow these steps, I use a plugin called WordPress SEO by Yoast, where it helps me visually to see if I answered all the requirements mentioned above by using green, orange or red circles next to the guideline. Most of the time now it’s always green.  🙂  Now if I can do it and follow this easy system, so can you.

Well, that’s pretty much it for how to write for search engines and visitors. It shouldn’t be more complicated than following those guidelines. If you have any questions come reach out to me on my Facebook.com/givogue.andre

What about you, after understanding this, how will your writing for search engines and visitors improve?

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