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Pay Lower Interest Rates

  • Another trick I learned over the span of my careers is how easy it is to negotiate when you are armed with the right knowledge and with the right words to use. After all somebody somewhere perfected the art of talking and these are what I called powerful scripts. Everything can be moved by words from thoughts, to building buildings to save and keep your own money.This of course is subject to many factors such as, how long you’ve been a customer, what is your credit rating, etc.
      • Is this your best interest rate you have to offer?
      • Can you lower or give me that better rate?
        • Remember always be polite as the person behind the lines are human beings too and with a push of a button some have the power to change the interest you pay.

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      • Can you waive my annual fee?
    • If you need to have more available credit, just ask
      • Can you increase my credit limit?
    • I’ve seen people get rid of their $59 annual fee and go from 23.99% down to 12% interest rates.
    • Another solution if you’re already at the lowest is to ask if they offer lower interest rate line of credit (which can be promotional rate of 0% for a couple months to 5 or 6%).
  • For this you will need to use your credit card. No worries, it’s not to give money …yet, I’m just kidding, I love you all. I want you to do this now while you’re focus, go ahead, I’ll give you 7 minutes to do this. Grab your phone or your cell phone and call the 1-800 number behind your card, and simply ask.
  • Now this may not work for every one of you but it will for the majority of you and is worth a try.

Again if you can’t get the lower rates, ask them politely

How or what can I do to qualify for these better rates?

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