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MLM Recruiting The Wrong Way Will Kill Your Social Status Part 3 of 3

MLM Recruiting Part 3Yesterday we’ve seen how you, as a prospect in our story line, were exposed to a wrong approached by your niece which brought up many questions. You’ve answered her and now she followed with her script again and proceeded to handling your objections. Well that’s what she thinks she’s doing but in reality, there’s a lot more that’s going on. Let’s have a look.

MLM Recruiting Part 3 – More Red Flags

Your niece has been so blinded by the dollar sign and the promises of the opportunity that she doesn’t even ask you about your website. Instead she uses one of the cheesy old school objection handling methods that she’s just learned and flatters your ego by saying stuff like: “Wow, you’re totally knowledgeable, you’re sharp, smart and I totally need your opinion, can you make it Monday instead or perhaps Tuesday?”

Here are the flaws and the danger of burning bridges and what’s killing her social status:

First, she brushes off your response by not acknowledging it and jumps straight in flattering your ego. It’s usually done by compliments or praising of your other successes. Which makes you ask: “Did she even read my offer to help? It sounds like she just jumped on part 2 of objection handling in her script without even following the flow of the conversation.”

She didn’t listen to the logical scenario which clearly demonstrates that she has a lack of understanding in business, customer service and sales. Yet after offering help by essentially saying: “You need more education to grow your business“. She disregarded your offer to help without acknowledging it which leads to the question: “Is she just going off a script and not even listening to my suggestions?”

You know that she is tenacious because she’s trying to regain control of the conversation by re-inviting you by offering you alternative times, even after telling her you’re super busy which is a polite way to say no thank you. This time asking if you can come to tonight’s presentation or tomorrow night’s which leads to this questions: “If she can change her schedule just like that, so fast and all of the sudden become available tonight for me, is she not busy?

Is she not in demand? If she’s not in demand, why is that? Is it that bad, that people don’t even want to spend the time to hear about it? She still hasn’t told me anything about it. It still looks sketchy to me therefore based on my previous experiences in the industry and knowing what’s going on, I still don’t have time and even if I did, it’s not worth it. I’ve got better things to do.”

So you call her out again politely saying:

“I agree that network marketing is one of the best wealth vehicle out there and thank you for thinking of me. I know you’re prospecting but I’m not a qualified prospect for you right now. That being said, it’s got to be done right. That if you use those approaches and techniques and persists too much you risk to burn bridges with the relationships of your friends and family and give a bad reputation to the network marketing industry. When you’re MLM recruiting, it’s one thing to ask the right qualifying questions once but to never insist. Right away asking for personal favors puts you in a position of “desperation” which is bad business wise.

Do you see a doctor run to all his friends and family “begging” them to become his clients? Do you see the restaurant owner running to all his friends and family and depend on them? They offer their business solutions to them but they don’t insist or depend on their business.

The method you’re using right now is like fighting an up-hill battle. You should be using qualifying questions to see if there’s even a need to gain financial independence, lose weight, save money or whatever it is the solution you’re offering. It’s got to come from the right posture and right attitude. You should be addressing the “red flags” questions in your potential prospect’s mind in first message before they even think about them.

Mixing business and relationships is delicate and if you do it wrong it can really hurt your relationships in the long run. Again if you want more network marketing training, I highly recommend you take a closer look at my tutorial videos. It’s a hard reality check but I rather give you a heads up before you run in blindly and go through all the same mistakes I’ve gone through over 10 years ago.

Not everybody will understand where you’re coming from and what you’re trying to achieve, but I do. Good luck.”

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MLM Recruiting Conclusion

In conclusion, in theory and for illustration purposes many network marketing companies demonstrate the compensation plan saying if you just recruit 2, which recruits 2, which recruits 2 at the 7th level you’ll have X number of reps in your organization.

This works well on paper. In reality, life is not fair, not everybody will join your opportunity, in fact, in practice, it’s a lot more difficult than that. You’ll see that you’ll have to personally recruit at least 100 people in order to get 5 super stars that will actually do what you’re doing, which is to recruit a 100 over their lifetime. If you think recruiting 2 is too difficult, than you’re either doing it all wrong or you’re in the wrong business and this model is not meant for you.

People come and go, you’ll have people come in through hype but when they realise the amount of actual work they’ve got to put into it they’ll quit. This is called the attrition. Your goal is to have more people coming in than leaves. You’ve got to balance your energy and effort by recruiting and training. Motivating your team is good but it shouldn’t be your priority, if someone is not motivated to work, don’t waste your time on them. Focus on recruiting, recruiting and recruiting more.

People will follow leaders who lead by example, who gives and provides value. If you offer no value and expect to be successful doing pressure sales, you’re not going to go far. If you’re a super recruiter but using methods that are not duplicatable you’re team will not grow and you will not taste the true leverage of residual passive income.

MLM is a like a sort of mini franchise, you’ve got to work hard, smart and be consistent at it. It’s a professional business and you’ve got to treat as such. One of the biggest reasons I believe it’s so good is that it offers a way for people with a limited budget to have their own business for themselves but not by themselves with unlimited income potential.

Not everybody will join your MLM business and that’s ok. If other people have their own MLM business they are trying to grow, respect their choice and don’t fall into the: “my MLM is better than yours” childish name bashing. This looks unprofessional for the entire industry. Not everyone’s the right fit for your opportunity but the beauty is, we live in world of abundance and there’s always somebody else looking for your solution. You just got to put yourself in a position where they can find you.

From the recruiting process to the close of the sales, it’s a series of steps that has to be followed to a “T”. Think of it as a phone number.  There are 10 digits, if you miss one, you got the wrong number. The same applies in this business. If you miss one step, whether asking the right qualifying questions, coming in with the wrong attitude, you’ll get the wrong response you’re looking for.

When you work as a network marketer essentially you’re a sales rep, you’ve got to sell people on watching your presentations or coming to meetings and know how to close the sales. Some people need more network marketing training than others and that’s normal. As a former real estate realtor and life insurance sales professional I can tell you from a fact that every skill can be learned and you can achieve excellence through training, practice, repetition and course correction. But you’ve got to work with what works best for you as a person as well, there are many different approaches.

I’m sharing this because it’s based on a true story. I’ve altered it a little bit to keep privacy but essentially I go through that all the time. I get approached constantly and now I simply call them out on it to save my time and teach them a better way. I was asked for years to put something together. I was reluctant about it but finally gave in hence why I created this website. I was reluctant at first because I was and still am busy, focusing and working on my professional stunt career. But anyways, that’s just a gist of my story.  haha  Seriously though, if you want more training or tips, you can check out my prospecting for MLM Leads page.

What about you, did you learn a thing or two and if so, what exactly? Share your thoughts, cheers!

MLM Recruiting Part 1     Part 2     Part 3


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