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Driving Jobs To Make Money Fast

Driving JobsIf you own your own car, then driving jobs can be awesome. It offers you the flexibility to work your own hours, you don’t have a supervisor looking over your shoulder and it gives you great independence. In this article we’ll explore various companies that offer driver jobs.

But first let me share with you my own story. Driving jobs have improved dramatically from when I used to do that in my younger days. Let’s just say back then, we didn’t have the apps technology we have today.

Back then, everything was done in cash and it was well, kind of shady, actually it people used to say it was “underground driving”, the concept was simple, we had “a dispatcher”. Basically, this guy was the network of contact, everything was word of mouth with code names.

We had fake names to protect us as drivers, basically you’d be on standby. They used to tell us: “stay central” which meant stay and park in a good location until your next call came in.

I needed money and this was an opportunity to give me cash on the side I was driving people all night Friday and Saturday night. When 4h30 am came, it was finally time to go pay my dispatcher. They told me to go meet them at a specific address in the city.  I walked into that location… WOW!

Now that’s what I call underground. As soon as he opened up the doors, I saw a cloud of smoke in the back left, (kind of in a living room but with no furniture) you had a bunch of guys sitting on the ground all smoking and playing some kind of game. It was really an “underground lair” with easy escape.  We then proceeded to count the total of what I owed them and I gave them their cut of the monies made that night.  Everything was all cash.

I am telling you, these guys were in business. They were are all from the same ethnic background and I was the only Caucasian guy.  I totally felt like I didn’t belong.  I didn’t smoke, I didn’t drink, all I wanted was to make quick cash to pay for my other living.

I’ve done this for about six month, then I moved on to other things. Looking back, I’ve never had any issues with anyone I picked up, nor the dispatcher; in fact, it was actually interesting to meet new people and offer them a cheaper alternative to get back home.

Today, that’s exactly what ride sharing apps are all about. Except now you don’t have to hide. With these new smart phone apps, you’re not dealing with cash and you don’t have to go in “underground lairs”. You’re getting connected with other people, just like you would with your friends. You’re using GPS technology to calculate fees/fare/donation and the app does all that for you. Plus, there’s a feedback system where drivers and passengers can all rate each other.

Companies Advertising Driving Jobs

I knew of a good service similar to that in Quebec called AmigoExpress.com but I wanted something that wasn’t only province wide but nation or world wide.

This is when I found these companies; Uber.com, Lyft.com and Side.cr. They’re kind of the Airbnb.com (you know turning your home into a hotel room for the night) but for driving and these guys are always offering driving jobs.

You can learn how to be an Uber driver, how to become a Lyft driver or how to become a Side Car driver by visiting their own respective websites in the “driving jobs” or “driver” section.

Side Note! Warning! Just double check with your city to make sure that it’s legal, not every cities accept this form ride share as they’re calling it a form of “bandit taxi”.

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Here are a few quick tips to maximise your driving job revenue when you’re doing driving jobs. Take it easy on your speed, remember the less gas you “waste” the more profits you keep. In between calls or app messages, don’t drive around, find a good spot in a busy area and just wait there on standby. Watch a movie on your phone, read a book, just don’t drive around or spend your money in a restaurant. I personally used to listen to business audiobooks. To each our own.

Figure out when are the prime times and work mainly those hours often, later there’s less other drivers available giving you more opportunities. Between 9pm and 3am, especially Friday and Saturday nights are primetimes. People go out clubbing then want a ride back home.

Now an Uber driver pay or Lyft driver pay, on their website it says you can expect to get about $37 to $40 per hour as a driver. Yes, that’s gross income but in reality, you’ve got to keep in mind you’ll have to pay the network’s cut, your gas, other car expenses and keep some for the taxes.

With this in mind, it can bring your earnings to a more realistic $21 to $25 per hour net, which is still pretty reasonable considering all the freedom and independence you’ve got.

What about you, how do you think driving jobs can help you? Share your thoughts.



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